International Board
International Board

President: Dr. Salézio P. Pereira (Brasil)

Councilor presidency: Dr. Andrea Taciotti – (Italia)

General Ambassador for LATIN AMERICA; Dr. Jorge A. Garzarelli - (Argentina)

General Ambassador for MERCOSUL; Dr. José Vicente Celestino. (Brasil)

Prof. Dr. Daniel Eslabão – President's Advisor for International Affairs

Dr. Everaldo Scaini. Ambassador General for International Relations and Diplomacy.

General Ambassador for SOUTHERN ASIA; Dr. Satya Mishra - (India)

Ph.D Henry Raul Soria (Ecuador) General Ambassador to SOUTH AMERICA

General Ambassador for AFRICA, Henri-Paul Eloma. (Congo Republic).

Honorary Ambassador for Southern Asia and Middle East, Wajid Saeed (Saudi Arabia)

Honorary Ambassador to Italy. Mr. Pasquale Sorabella, Director for Special area of social communication and International relations.(Italy)
Executive Offices of the Academy

General Director for the Presidency Affairs: Dr. Ezio Benelli - (Italy)

Director of international relations Dr. Everaldo Scaini (Brazil)

Director of science and technology for the dissemination of humanities and social science advances. Doctor. Marcelo Rodríguez Ceberio. (Buenos Aires - Argentina).

Director of International Relations For de advencement of integration between Religion and other cultures. Dr. Timothy Roland - Índia

Director for collaboration and cooperation of world disasters. Dr. Rogerio Da Cruz Oliveira Guimaro. (Coimbra - Portugal)

Director for the defense of human rights and political socialization of scientific knowledge to cities and third world countries. Dr. Shlomo Zekhry - (São Paulo - SP-Brazil).

Special Officer to develop research projects applied to health, education and economy in underdeveloped countries. Dra. Alicia Elena Risueño. (Buenos Aires - Argentina)

Special Officer for the defense of women and children in vulnerable situations. Dr. Carla M. Froner - (Santa Maria - Brazil)

Director for outreach and training of new scientists. Doctor. Giorgio Risari - Italy.

Director for Military Science Intelligence & Strategy - Doctor Otto Javier Jorge Ferrari-Gold - (Lima - Peru).

Director issues related to the integration of religions. Doctor Leontino Farias dos Santos - (Sao Paulo - Brazil).

Director of the Department of Europe - Latin America and the development of the Intercultural World City. Dr. Andrea Tasciotti - (Rome - Italy)